JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach is a thin bleach Triple Action Formula Whitens, removes stains and kills germs.in DetergentsSku: D-13-23-7-2023
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 1.5ltr
KSh1,583 -
Keep away from children. Use in well ventilated room. Causes skin and serious eye irritation. Do not swallow. Avoid contact of product with eyes or skin. Avoid excessive inhalation. Do not mix with other cleaning products because it may release dangerous gases(chlorine). Do not use bleach on skin, wool, rayon and leather. Do not use neat JIK on metallic surfaces. Seek medical guidance if irritation persists.in DetergentsSku: D-13-38-7-2023
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 2.25ltr
KSh1,957 -
Keep away from children. Use in well ventilated room. Causes skin and serious eye irritation. Do not swallow. Avoid contact of product with eyes or skin. Avoid excessive inhalation. Do not mix with other cleaning products because it may release dangerous gases(chlorine). Do not use bleach on skin, wool, rayon and leather. Do not use neat JIK on metallic surfaces. Seek medical guidance if irritation persists.in DetergentsSku: D-13-35-7-2023
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 250ml
KSh335 -
JIK regular bleach is safe for use on most colorfast washable fabrics including cotton, nylon and polyester. It is used for laundry, machine use, kitchen and bathroom surfaces and also toilets, drains and plugs holes.in DetergentsSku: D-16-13-7-2023
JIK Regular Whitens And Brightens Stains Remover Bleach 5ltr