BWT Safa F1 Tomato yields over 30 tonnes under agricultural practices. and it's tolerant to Bacterial wilt, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Verticulum wilt, tomato Mosaic Virus,in FeaturedSku: S-28-1-23-2023
BWT Safa F1 Tomato- 10G
KSh8,499Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (36 Reviews) -
KS20 (uncle) – matures in 80-90 days, pods turn brown when dry while grains are dull green in color and bigger in size compared to n26.in FeaturedSku: S-28-1-22-2023
Ks 20 (Uncle) Green Gram
KSh1,999Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (63 Reviews)