Ultraxide Disinfectant (1lt) KSh3,999

Ultraxide is a highly-effective disinfectant (composition) formulated as a protection against the spread of contagious animal diseases which can be acquired from contaminated poultry hatcheries, livestock buildings, feed, and farm equipment, slaughterhouses, processing plants, and others.



Ultraxide Active Ingredients

Ultraxide which contains two active ingredients, namely glutaraldehyde and alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride as a subclass of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs).



Why Use Ultraxide Disinfectant
  • Kills viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, mold, yeast, protozoa, and fungi (including ringworms) in less than 5 minutes of contact time.
  • Non-tonic.
  • Active even in the presence of organic material.
  • Suitable for use in food processing areas.
  • Ultraxide has a broad-spectrum activity against bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi, and virus.
  • It has no environmental residues.
  • Ultraxide is non-corrosive, applicable to stainless and mild steel, zinc, copper, brass, tin, aluminum, and rubber.
  • Non-staining.
  • It has exceptionally low toxicity levels.
  • Suitable for disinfecting systems and preventing the spread of diseases.
  • Suitable in all disinfecting systems (including aerial).
  • Having a pleasant smell, it is safe to use by farmworkers and has no impact even in farm animals.
  • Easy to handle – one-step mixing process.
  • The residual activity is stable up to 1 week after administration.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Pleasant smell.



Presentation & Packaging of Ultraxide Disinfectant

Available in 1lt bottle. Other packages are 100ml and 500ml.



Dosage and Administration Of Ultraxide
Disinfecting surfaces:

25mls/10lts of water at a rate of 300ml per square meter surface area.

Dipping(foot & wheel baths):

100mls/10lts of water at a rate of 300ml per square meter surface area. Replace every 2 weeks.

Drinking water:

10mls/30lts of water. To be applied twice a week in drinking water. May be treated continuously if necessary



Where to use Ultraxide
  • General disinfection
  • Wheel dip
  • Foot/ Boot Dip
  • Vehicle spray
  • Disinfection of the Farmhouses
  • Disinfection of farm equipment
  • Egg Storage Area
  • Hatchery Rooms
  • Farm (Poultry/Livestock) Buildings
  • Wash Rooms
  • Water Sanitation (According to the product recommendation)



Storage Recommendations

For maximum effectiveness, store below 40oC. Store in a cool and dry place; protected from direct heat and light.



Ultraxide Safety Data Sheet

See here: MSDS

See here: Ultraxide Label

See here: Ultraxide Liquid Disinfectant Label



Ultraxide for Coronavirus

Disclaimer: Ultraxide has been proven effective against various strains of the coronavirus family, but Zagro has yet to test its efficacy against the Wuhan coronavirus.

The coronavirus that first started in China near the end of 2019 has now spread to more than 20 countries, including Singapore.

The Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new coronavirus strain that caused cases of severe pneumonia and even lead to the death of more than 300 infected patients. The number of confirmed cases worldwide already surpassed the recorded number of SARS patients in 2003.

Human-to-human transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus is confirmed, but there’s still no confirmation from which animal it originated. The 2019-nCov is a zoonotic disease, which means the disease transferred from animals to humans. There’s a suspicion that like SARS, the Wuhan coronavirus also originated from bats then passed it on to snakes, then to humans.

Countries worldwide are implementing restrictions to stop the spread of the virus. Maintaining hygiene standards is now more important than ever. Implementing strict biosecurity solutions should be prioritized in every industry, including agriculture, transport, food and beverages, manufacturing, and more.

ULTRAXIDE is an effective disinfectant that works as a protection against the spread of contagious animal and human diseases caused by viruses that belong to the Coronavirus family, similar to the current spread of the nCoV-2019, more popularly known as Wuhan Coronavirus.

A formulation with a combination of Benzalkonium chloride and Glutaraldehyde, Ultraxide is an effective disinfectant that works as a protection against the spread of contagious animal and human diseases from viruses that belong to the Coronavirus family.

The formula is non-corrosive and has minimal environmental residues and low toxicity levels. It is suitable for use in all disinfecting systems through spraying directly on surfaces and is stable up to one week after administration.

For more information about the Wuhan coronavirus and how to protect your organization from it, check out the following links:




For African Swine Fever

Ultraxide has been proven effective in inactivating the African Swine Fever (ASF) virus at the dilution rates of 1:300, 1:200, and at 1:100 at the exposure time of 5 minutes.

With no cure nor vaccine yet available for ASF, implementing strict farm hygiene maintenance, such as using Ultraxide to disinfect farm houses, farm equipment, foot and vehicle baths, transport vehicles, and other systems involved in pig farming, can help prevent and control the spread of ASF. The efficacy of Ultraxide in inactivating the ASF virus has been confirmed not just in a laboratory set up but also in real life farm settings.

The ASF outbreak continues to affect pig farms in Asia and now poses a global threat to the swine industry. While some provinces previously affected were already cleared of the epidemic, new cases of ASF are occurring in different farming communities in the region.

Classified as a severe viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boars, African Swine Fever originated in Africa but it is now also found in countries in Asia and Europe.  Some of the commonly observed ASF symptoms include loss of appetite, fever, abortions for pregnant sows, lack of energy, and internal bleeding.

For more information about Ultraxide and ASF, please refer to the following links:



For Swine Flu

Swine Flu (H1N1 Influenza) caused a global pandemic in 2009 and 2010 and has since infected at least 700 million individuals worldwide.

Recently,  China researchers released findings that an emerging new type of swine flu, name G4, could potentially cause a future pandemic. The G4 strain is genetically descended from the H1N1 strain and has already infected 10% of industry workers in China, though there’s no evidence yet that it can be passed from human to human.

As a disinfectant solution that can be applied at high touch surfaces, Ultraxide™ can be used against Swine Flu following the recommended dilution rate of 1:200.

Check out the following references for more information about Ultraxide™ and Swine Flu:

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  1. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    Will order again

  2. Hayden (verified owner)

    Asante, nimepata Tanzania

  3. Michael (verified owner)

    Swift delivery

  4. Anthony (verified owner)

    Good service.

  5. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    AAA Rated

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  7. Leo (verified owner)

    I got it in Ethopia

  8. Avery (verified owner)

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  9. Avery (verified owner)

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  10. Mason (verified owner)

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  11. Ryder (verified owner)

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  14. Kayden (verified owner)

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  15. Matthew (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  16. Avery (verified owner)

    Asante, nimepata Tanzania

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  18. Camden (verified owner)

    Best quality

  19. Mateo (verified owner)

    Good riders

  20. Liam (verified owner)

    Good discounts

  21. Zohar (verified owner)

    Excellent company in Kenya.

  22. Riley (verified owner)

    Accepts M-Pesa

  23. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    Best delivery today

  24. Kayden (verified owner)

    Friendly riders

  25. Max (verified owner)

    Excellent company in Kenya.

  26. John (verified owner)

    Same-day shipping

  27. Ryder (verified owner)

    It exceeded my expectations.

  28. Mateo (verified owner)

    Perfect for hobby farmers.

  29. Ryan (verified owner)

    Fantastic customer service.

  30. Aadarsh (verified owner)

    Exceptional animal health products.

  31. Michael (verified owner)

    Great prices offered.

  32. Patrick (verified owner)

    Competitive pricing.

  33. Owen (verified owner)

    Incredible product. Powerful, fast and reliable.

  34. Dylan (verified owner)

    Knowledgeable agricultural advice.

  35. Mason (verified owner)

    Essential farm equipment.

  36. Nicholas (verified owner)

    A clean atmosphere

  37. Kai (verified owner)

    Convenient online ordering.

  38. Nolan (verified owner)

    Reliable delivery service.

  39. Mason (verified owner)

    Awesome product. Fun, creative and joyful.

  40. Max (verified owner)


  41. Kayden (verified owner)

    Exceeded expectations. Well-made, easy and great.

  42. Mason (verified owner)

    A fair price

  43. Robert (verified owner)

    A fair price

  44. Liam (verified owner)

    A relaxing atmosphere

  45. Daniel (verified owner)

    Best ever. Worth it and more.

  46. Mason (verified owner)

    Fantastic product. Beautiful, durable and functional.

  47. Hayden (verified owner)

    Wonderful product. Elegant, stylish and classy.

  48. Charles (verified owner)

    Marvelous product. Smooth, soft and silky.

  49. Zohar (verified owner)

    Best bang for your buck

  50. Mateo (verified owner)

    Awesome product. Fun, creative and joyful.

  51. Patrick (verified owner)

    Exceeded expectations. Well-made, easy and great.

  52. Tyler (verified owner)

    A triumphant performance

  53. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)


  54. Michael (verified owner)

    A prime location

  55. Mason (verified owner)


  56. Max (verified owner)

    A slam dunk

  57. Charles (verified owner)

    A must-see-again

  58. Ryder (verified owner)

    A knowledgeable staff

  59. Zohar (verified owner)

    A hit

  60. Henry (verified owner)

    A fantastic performance

  61. Patrick (verified owner)

    A gem

  62. Patrick (verified owner)

    A knockout

  63. Lucas (verified owner)

    Best ever

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