Hemco Growers Mash is produced for growing pullets from 9th week to onset of lay. It is fortified with minerals and vitamins that are essential for growing pullets.Sku: A-23-7-12-2022
Hemco Growers Mash 10kg
KSh1,199Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (63 Reviews) -
Hemco Growers Mash is produced for growing pullets from 9th week to onset of lay. It is fortified with minerals and vitamins that are essential for growing pullets.Sku: A-23-7-12-2022-1
Hemco Growers Mash 20kg
KSh2,199Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (45 Reviews) -
Hemco Growers Mash is produced for growing pullets from 9th week to onset of lay. It is fortified with minerals and vitamins that are essential for growing pullets.Sku: A-23-8-12-2022
Hemco Growers Mash 50kg
KSh3,999Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (63 Reviews) -
Hemco Growers Mash is produced for growing pullets from 9th week to onset of lay. It is fortified with minerals and vitamins that are essential for growing pullets.Sku: A-23-5-12-2022
Hemco Growers Mash 5kg
KSh899Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (63 Reviews) -
Hemco Growers Mash is produced for growing pullets from 9th week to onset of lay. It is fortified with minerals and vitamins that are essential for growing pullets.Sku: A-23-9-12-2022
Hemco Growers Mash 70kg
KSh5,999Rated 5.00 out of 55.00 (54 Reviews)