Neocidol 600 EW – 12 x 28ml KSh19,400 Save:KSh100(1%)

Neocidol 600 EW is a residual contact organophosphate insecticide for the control of bed bugs and cockroaches in homes and other dwellings.



Neocidol 600 EW Target Pests
  • Bedbugs
  • Cockroaches



How to Mix Neocidol 600 EW
Bed bugs

Mix 28mls of Neocidol 600EW with water and spray the bedding, bed, particularly stands, frame joints, springs, webbing, and strapping underside mattress.


Mix 28mls of Neocidol 600EW in 2 liters of water and spray hiding places and sites infested eg along walls, under sinks, around dustbins, refrigerators, stores, and behind cupboards. Repeat application at intervals of 1 to 2 months to prevent re-infestation.

Treatment of Animal Houses

Dilute 28mls of Neocidol in 2 liters of water to cover 15 square meters.



Where to Apply Neocidol

Bedbugs hide in cracks and crevices, joints, and mattress seams. Spray these areas directly using a hand pump. Repeat this after two weeks to rid your home of the bugs.




12 x 28ml Neocidol 600 EW