Dilute one part of NorotrazĀ in water as perĀ below. Stock spray for Cattle Norotraz Water 20 ml 10 litres 30 ml 15 litres 40 ml 20 litres 50 ml 25 litres 100 ml 50 litres Pour the required amount of concentrate in a container of water and mix thoroughly. Ten litres of wash is normally enough for one adult cow. Use as spray only at 7 days interval for total control of ticks and tick borne diseases.
Controls all known resistant ticks in East Africa. DIP: 1. It is essential to know the capacity of your dip. 2. It is essential to premix Duodip with water before adding to the dip bath. 3. Pour a measured amount of Duodip into a suitable container half full of water, stirring continuously until completely mixed. Then empty the mixture into the dip bath. 4. Repeat 3 above until the required amount of Duodip has been added to the dip bath. 5. Mix the wash by stirring thoroughly. Allowing 20-25 animals to go through the dip before Dipping operation will help to mix the dip. These animals should go through the dip again for proper tick control. The level of the dip wash should be at least 1 foot below the entry point. MIXING RATE: Initial Fill: 1 part Duodip per 1000 parts water (1:1000) Replenishment rate: 1 part Duodip per 600 parts of water (1:600) or per 125 herd of animals dipped
- The product is an emulsifiable concentrate.
- For the treatment and control of ticks, lice and mange in cattle, sheep and goats.
- For veterinary use only.
- A clear pale yellow solution with no emulsion
1x Norbook Norotraz 12.5% (250ml)
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