Weedall 480 SL Herbicide (Non-selective, Systemic) – 200ml KSh1,499

Weedall 480 SL Herbicide (Non-selective, Systemic) is a systemic, non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses, and board leaf weeds in non-crop areas, coffee, tea, and cocoa plantations, and zero/minimum tillage in wheat and barley.

Weedall Herbicide 480 SL is a non-selective, systemic and post-emergence herbicide. It controls many annual and perennial grasses, sedges, and broad-leaved weeds.

Weedall Herbicide 480 SL gets absorbed by green parts of the weeds and gets rapidly translocated throughout the plants, to roots and storage organs. The rate of translocation depends on plant species and environmental conditions.



Weedall 480 SL Herbicide (Non-selective, Systemic) Products Features
  • Description: Systemic non-selective herbicide
  • Active ingredient: Glyphosphate
  • Composition: Isopropylamine salt of glyphosate 480g/l
  • Packaging size: 200ml bottle



Weedall 480 SL Herbicide Mode of Action

It is based on the active ingredient glyphosate. Effectiveness is influenced by the distribution/composition of the spray droplets and the characteristics of the leaf surface on which the spray is deposited.



Benefits of Weedall 480 SL Herbicide
  • It kills perennial weeds.
  • It does not pose any harm to animals and humans.
  • A small amount is enough.
  • It kills a wide range of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds and the tips of established perennial weeds


Weedall 480 SL Herbicide Dosage

3.0 litres/ha

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