Alpha Degree 100EC 50ml KSh999

Alpha Degree 100EC is an insecticide for the control of thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars on roses; aphids, diamondback moths, cutworms on Cabbage; thrips, whiteflies, aphids, leafminer on pepper; thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars, leafminer on tomatoes and French beans; thrips on onions; antestia bug, thrips on coffee; aphids, African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), cotton stainer (Dysdercus spp) on cotton.



Alpha Degree 100EC Mode of Action

Alpha Degree 100EC exhibits contact and stomach action. it acts on the central and peripheral nervous system in very low doses.



Alpha Degree 100EC Crops & Application Rates
  • Cabbage – aphids, diamondback moth, cutworm pepper, tomatoes, french beans– thrips, whiteflies, aphids, leafminer rates: 8-10mls/20l of water (400-500 ml/ha)
  • Roses – thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars rates: 5-6mls/20l of water (250-300ml/ha)
  • Coffee – antestia bug, thrips rates: 8-10mls/20l of water (400-500 ml/ha)
  • Cotton- aphids, African bollworm, cotton stainer rates: 6-10ml/20l of water (300 -500ml/ha)



Alpha Degree 100EC Pre-harvest interval (phi)

tomato, cabbage, pepper, french beans – 7 days.




Spray: 10ml/20Litres (200 – 250ml/ha)



Alpha Degree 100EC P.H.I.

1-3 days in vegetables



Alpha Degree 100EC CROPS

(e.g. citrus), maize, cotton, rice, soya beans, forestry, and other crops.



Alpha Degree 100EC Target pests/pathogens

aphids, thrips, whitefly, caterpillars,cutworm



Active ingredient(s)

alpha- cypermethrin 10%



Alpha Degree 100EC Recommended application method
  • Foliar
  • The normal recommended rate using this application method is 10ml/20L
  • The normal mode of action is contact and stomach action




1 x Alpha Degree 50EC 100ml



Alpha Degree 100EC Label
Alpha Degree 100EC Label

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