Fendona 60 SC 1L for Mosquitoes KSh6,891 Save:KSh4(0%)

Fendona 60 SC is a contact insecticide effective for the suppression of fleas, ticks, ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, moths, and the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpuctella, storage pest). The advanced formulation in the form of microparticles causes the sticking of the product to the antennae and legs of insects after the first contact with the product.





How does it work?

The Fendona’s “knock-down” effect is achieved after 30 minutes.

It is formulated in the form of a concentrated suspension (SC), which provides uniform coverage of treated surfaces and good adhesion, even of very porous surfaces. This way the residual activity of the product lasts up to 3 months.



Benefits Of Using Fendona 60SC
  • Fendona 60SC Active Ingredients: Alpha-cypermethrin 60g/l
  • The long-term effect, plus 12 weeks of residual action
  • Odorless (water-based product)
  • It does not stain and does not cause corrosion
  • Easy dosing and easy to prepare
  • It’s quick and effective at low concentrations on all surfaces
  • Easy dosing and easy to prepare
  • Good biodegradability adds to its superior overall environmental profile
  • Recommended by the WHO for malaria control
  • Proven high performance with a low dose formulation
  • Excellent broad-spectrum insect control
  • Rapid knockdown and reliable residual action
  • Easy, acceptable, and safe in use
  • Manufacturer: BASF
  • Fendona 60 SC Safety Data Sheet
  • Fendona 60 SC Label



Fendona 60 SC Target Pests

Fendona 60 SC is recommended throughout the world for controlling almost every type of flying or crawling insect in domestic, commercial, and public health applications. In particular, it gives effective control of:

  1. Ants
  2. Bed bugs
  3. Beetles
  4. Cockroaches
  5. Flies
  6. Fleas
  7. Mosquitoes
  8. Moths
  9. Nairobi fly
  10. Silverfish
  11. Termites
  12. Wasps
  13. Other disease-causing insects



Where To Use Fendona 60 SC

It is equally suited to be used in;

  1. Commercial premises like offices
  2. Food processing plants
  3. Hotel industry such as restaurants, camps, hotels, and canteens
  4. Private households like homes and apartments
  5. Public facilities such as hospitals and schools
  6. Drink industry like depots and stores
  7. Domestic housing
  8. Households
  9. Public health premises
  10. Industrial and public buildings



How Does Fendona Work?

The Fendona 60 SC “knock-down” effect is achieved after 30 minutes.

It is formulated in the form of a concentrated suspension (SC), which provides uniform coverage of treated surfaces and good adhesion, even of very porous surfaces. This way the residual activity of the product lasts up to 3 months.



How To Mix & Apply Fendona
  • Fendona 60 SC is formulated containing 60g/l of alpha-cypermethrin as a water-based suspension concentrate.
  • It is diluted with water at the rate of 5ml/liter for application through all standard knapsack or hand-held sprayers at low pressure (approximately 2 bar) using a medium nozzle.
  • Sprayers should be filled with the required amount of water and the measured dose of Fendona 60 SC added before being shaken thoroughly to ensure even mixing.
  • Thorough shaking is also recommended after any prolonged breaks from work.
  • Spraying should achieve uniform coverage of the target area without excessive wetting of liquid run-off.
  • In normal use, 25 ml of Fendona 60 SC diluted to 5 liters of water is sufficient to treat around 100 m2 of a surface, each liter of product treating around 4000 m2.
  • A double dose is recommended for heavy infestations and for soiled or highly absorbent and porous surfaces to ensure sufficient coverage for optimum activity.



Fendona 60SC Packaging

1 x 1-liter bottle.

Mix 25ml in 5 liters of water and spray.

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