Hemco Pig Finishing Meal 20kg KSh1,695 Save:KSh5(0%)

Hemco Pig Finishing Meal is specially formulated to ensure and facilitate fast growth and maturity without much fat deposition. It contains the right protein among other nutrients that are also important to achieving weight gain. Additionally, keeping your pig healthy and housed comfortably will encourage weight gain.


Hemco Pig Finishing Meal is specially formulated to ensure and facilitate fast growth and maturity without much fat deposition. It contains the right protein among other nutrients that are also important to achieving weight gain. Additionally, keeping your pig healthy and housed comfortably will encourage weight gain.



Hemco Pig Finishing Meal Recommendations

As part of facilitating fast growth, we recommend feeding your pig Pig Finisher as follows:

  • Baconer – feeds a maximum of 2.5kg per day from when the pigs attain 60 kg body weight until slaughter (90kg)
  • Heavy hogs – feed a maximum of 3 kg per day from when the pigs achieve 60 kg body weight until slaughter (100 to 110 kg)



Hemco Pig Finishing Meal Ingredients

Contains grains, grain by-products, animal proteins, plant proteins, animal fats, vegetable oils, minerals, amino acids, and a specialized vitamin/mineral premix.




Available in 20kg