ZaZaFly Fly And Cockroach Killer is a granular scatter bait against several multi-resistant fly strains, cockroaches, and ants including those which have become resistant to other organophosphate-based compounds, pyrethroids, and methomyl. It is a fast and effective fly control tool and is a registered product of the National Environment Agency.
The fly and cockroach bait contains azamethiphos, a powerful stomach poison to flies, cockroaches, and ants. It also contains a pheromone that helps attract adult flies to the bait. It is easy, convenient, and effective to use. There is no mixing required and no environmental risk involve.
Dosage and Administration ZaZaFly Fly Control & Cockroach Bait
Scatter ZaZaFly at the rate of 20gm. per 10m2 onto clean and dry areas where flies congregate.
It can be put into plates and placed in strategic locations where flies are present. e.g. livestock facilities, garbage bins, private homes, and restaurants. Use it whenever flies are a problem.
Re-apply as soon as the baited areas are covered with dead flies or after 4 weeks.
Note:Â Zazafly does not control blood-sucking flies
Storage Recommendation
Store in a cool and dry place; protected from heat and light.
ZaZaFly Fly And Cockroach Killer – 20g
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