Insecticide Chalk (Kiriko) KSh999 Save:KSh1(0%)

Kiriko insecticide chalk is used in Public Health for the control of Cockroaches and Ants.



Insecticide Chalk (Kiriko) Target Pest

The insecticide chalk can effectively get rid of cockroaches, lice, and ants.



Insecticide Chalk (Kiriko) Active Ingredients

The insecticide chalk contains Deltamethrin 7.5 g/Kg as its active ingredient.



For Use In

In and around structures including but not limited to residential, multi-family, commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, recreational, health care, educational, daycare, hospitality, and agricultural buildings and other man-made structures, garages, transport vehicles, sewers, animal rearing, and handling establishments and food handling and food processing establishments.



Directions For Using Insecticide Chalk (Kiriko)
  1. The chalk is more effective to use at night
  2. Draw several parallel lines each 2 to 3 cm apart across the track which the insect used to take or around the insect’s hidden lying place. The insect will be killed instantly or the garbage pile
  3. Draw two or three circles around the feet of the food cabinet, the bait for the insects, or the garbage pile
  4. The chalk will not produce pollution. Harmless to human beings or animals. Just wash your hands with water after handling the chalk
  5. The chalk may be cut into several pieces before use. In drawing the lines, try to leave more powder on it so as to acquire better results.



Time to Kill

Cockroaches begin dying in as little as one day after eating the bait.




1 x 5g Insecticide Chalk (Kiriko)

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